2 min read

Mastering New Skills: A Single-Source Strategy

Once you’ve completed a single source and feel confident in your understanding, you can start exploring other perspectives. This is when you broaden your horizons, comparing different methodologies and refining your skills.
Mastering New Skills: A Single-Source Strategy
Photo by Marcel Eberle / Unsplash

Through my 12 years of experience in the digital industry, I've learned that when trying something new, it's best to select one reliable source and complete a process from start to finish before exploring other perspectives.

The Problem with Information Overload

We live in an era of information overload. A quick search on any topic yields countless articles, videos, and courses. While variety is good, too many options can lead to confusion and indecision.

This is particularly challenging for freelancers and entrepreneurs who must juggle multiple tasks and decisions daily.

Why One Source?

Focusing on a single reputable source helps streamline your learning process. Here’s why:

  1. Consistency: Sticking with one source provides a consistent approach and philosophy. You avoid conflicting advice and can follow a clear, linear path.
  2. Depth: By diving deep into one resource, you gain a thorough understanding of the subject. Surface-level skimming across multiple sources can leave gaps in your knowledge.
  3. Confidence: Completing a full course or book boosts your confidence. You’ll have a solid foundation to build upon before considering other viewpoints.

Choosing the Right Source

Not all sources are created equal. Here’s how to pick a reputable one:

  1. Research: Look for reviews and testimonials. See what other learners have to say about the resource.
  2. Credibility: Check the author or creator’s credentials. Are they an expert in their field? Look at their portfolio, digital footprint and experience.
  3. Content Quality: Assess the material’s depth and clarity. High-quality resources often provide a structured and comprehensive approach.

Implementing the Single-Source Strategy

Let’s break down how to apply this strategy:

  1. Identify Your Goal: What skill or knowledge do you want to acquire? Be specific.
  2. Select Your Source: Choose a book, online course, or mentor that aligns with your goal and meets the criteria mentioned above.
  3. Commit: Dedicate time to complete the chosen resource. Avoid the temptation to switch sources midway.
  4. Practice: Apply what you’ve learned in real-world scenarios. Practical application solidifies knowledge.
  5. Reflect: After completing the process, reflect on what you’ve learned. Identify areas for improvement and further exploration.

Real-World Application

Let’s consider an example. Suppose you’re a freelancer wanting to master digital marketing. You decide to follow this single-source strategy:

  1. Goal: Learn the basics of digital marketing to attract more clients.
  2. Source: You pick a highly-rated online course by a reputable marketing expert.
  3. Commitment: Allocate time each day to go through the modules. Resist the urge to look up additional resources until you finish.
  4. Practice: Start applying the techniques from the course to your freelance business.
  5. Reflection: After completing the course, review your results. What worked? What didn’t? Use this insight to guide your next steps.

Expanding Your Horizons

Once you’ve completed a single source and feel confident in your understanding, you can start exploring other perspectives. This is when you broaden your horizons, comparing different methodologies and refining your skills.

The Payoff

By focusing on one reputable source at a time, you build a strong foundation in any new skill. This approach saves time and reduces the overwhelm of juggling multiple resources. For freelancers and aspiring entrepreneurs, this means faster, more effective learning and, ultimately, greater success in your ventures.

In the quest for new skills, the single-source strategy is a game-changer. It provides clarity, depth, and confidence, all of which are crucial for freelancers and entrepreneurs.

So next time you embark on a learning journey, remember: pick one reliable source, see it through, and then expand your knowledge.